What kind of massages are available if varicose veins of the lower extremities and how to do it

Varicose veins are quite difficult to diagnose in the initial stage. Usually the disease symptoms. The main symptom of the disease occurs in the extremities edema. Hereinafter will appear in the capillary lattice, after which occur trophic changes in the cover.

Foot massage

It is important to recognize the disease at an early stage and start treatment. Its soil for many, the question arises whether it is possible to foot massage if varicose veins.

What are varicose veins?

Varicose veins is the stretching of the veins and their elongation is lower limbs.

Doing this thins the venous blood samples of the wall, begin to form nodes.

These sites appear due to the emerging pathology of valves insufficiency, and their genetic defect. There will be disease, raising the venous pressure.

The most frequent trouble comes, because of the sedentary lifestyle. Not less important causes are:

  • excessive physical load;
  • hormonal effect;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • overweight;
  • sedentary way of life.

Important! If you notice any symptoms of the disease necessarily visit a doctor to get recommendations.

How you can help foot massage when varicose veins and how can you get hurt?

Wellness massage if veenilaiendidnome varicose veins of the lower extremities favors a mandatory part of the composition of the fully ago. This will help:

  • to improve the turnover in the blood;
  • restore tissue nutrition;
  • to strengthen the muscle tone;
  • valves perform their function.

In order to get the highest possible positive impact and not damage your health, massage the body need to be only a specialist.

Despite the fact that such a possibility is therapies are really effective when this kind of ailment is, there are contraindications of massage of the feet if the varicose veins:

  • if the inflammation of the shell of the heart, that is acute in nature;
  • decompensated vice versa in the hearts;
  • heart failure, ash, angina, arrhythmias;
  • phlebitis and thrombophlebitis;
  • aneurysm the blood vessels;
  • the failure of the engine blood second and third degree;
  • hypertension the last stage.

The procedure must not be performed if the person has a body temperature over 37.5 degrees. Do not use this kind of treatment in the presence of infectious diseases.

The use of massage is recommended only for prevention, because the active movement is able to hurt the veins. In order not to damage the can only use the allowed types of massage. Battery technology becomes the cause of worsening of the ailment.


Anti-cellulite massage

At the massage procedure should be regarded very cautiously. How to make massage your feet if varicose veins? To this end, it is necessary to get acquainted with the technique to do. There are several types of procedures, however, can be used, not all are.


Is it possible to make cellulite massage if varicose veins? Doctors do not recommend the use of this in mind, because compared to the ailment procedure using the resistance movement, with specific strengths in the press of prohibited.

Possible to use this technique if the exclude all tingling . This will help to avoid increased blood flow.

Lymphatic drainage

Lymphatic drainage may be carried out only by highly qualified people. This procedure takes place, if the assistance of non-permanent air pressure. This realization is a specialized medical equipment. Specialized boots to ensure the skin capillaries, creating lymphatic circulation, generate blood circulation in the extremities.


The feet, which have not been identified stretched vein and swollen, can be very gently massaged. Do attrition only after the advance was against the tub clean movements. Prohibited pressure. Jalatallamassaaž such trouble is – this is a light stroking of. Since this technology can normalize the blood circulation, reduce pain and release the fatigue of the limbs. It is prohibited to carry out such a massage, if there is swelling of the feet.

Homemade massage

Independent massaging – it is very busy and most reliable method. Foot massage when varicose veins at home can be done at any time.

All activities must be carried out very carefully. All the operations of the fingers are directed from the feet to the top of the feet. They should be light weight, not squeezing, and careful. It is forbidden to use techniques in these areas, which is clearly appear in the vein. Also, do not be too fast to affect the limbs.

Homemade massage

All activities must be carried out not more than a couple of minutes each leg. Definitely give vacation and change techniques.

In order that the procedure has brought the maximum benefit, and in doing so, massage is safe, you must meet certain requirements:

  • through all the activities, only the first stage of the disease;
  • do all the actions together with the grown members;
  • start of operations is needed over the whole limb, very gently move a sick leg, all the operations carried out very smoothly.

Just such a sequence is necessary for the preparations of the organism and the circulatory system. A robust impact on the dirty part only cause complications.


From the above it can be concluded that massage is quite effective for varicose veins, but only in the case if you follow the techniques. It is recommended to seek the assistance of professionals who have completed all the steps correctly, without damage to health.